
"Act Together for nature"
Del 15 de agosto al 11 de septiembre de 2022
Voluntariado de 1 mes en Hungría para amantes de la naturaleza.
Descripción del proyecto
Participants will join the nature conservation programs of our Green Circle Association to maintain educational trails and nature conservation areas, such as o reclamation of alien, invasive plant species in a nature reserve, o elimination of illegal landfills and ongoing clean-up at Bodrog o maintenance of bird and mammal protection equipment (bird nests, nesting boxes, etc.). These activities are carried out for 2 weeks along the Bodrog and for 1 week in Hajdúság. For the remaining 1 week, they will be involved in the clean-up of the Hungarian section of the Bodrog River, where we will try to collect the waste floating on the river. Volunteers work 5 days a week, giving them an average of 6 hours a day, giving them two days off a week.
Alojamiento, Alimentación y Transporte
The volunteers will be staying in a youth hostel on the fabulous Bodrogolasi coast, with a shared bathroom and kitchen, and internet access for 3 weeks. They will be accommodated in Hajdúböszörmény for 1 week, also in a youth hostel, in rooms with 2-4 beds. We provide meals 4 times a day, of which min. 1 hot meal. We prefer green travel to and from Hungary. We provide bicycles for local transport..
Perfil del voluntario
Young people who through their studies or interests are committed to protecting nature and the environment, are not deterred from doing physical work and are able to work well in a team. Knowledge of swimming is an advantage.
Este proyecto de voluntariado del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad (CES), como todos los que ofrecemos, tiene cubiertos todos los gastos: el transporte de ida y vuelta, el alojamiento y la comida, asimismo se otorga al voluntario un dinero de bolsillo "pocket money" para sus gastos personales.